What is web 3?

Breaking it Down: Blockchain

Think of the blockchain like a connected string of transactions, keeping a detailed record of everything that happened. This special chain is like a time-traveling wizard that can prove something is real and truly belongs to someone in the digital world.

Organic Irregular Blob with Drop Shadow
NFT non fungible token
Organic Irregular Blob with Drop Shadow

NFTs: Your Digital Masterpieces

Let's say you're a fan of Marvel and you want to purchase a digital comic. NFTs make it possible for you to trace the complete history of that comic – from its origin with Marvel to all the previous owners and sales. With NFTs, each copy is a one of a kind, without it you wouldn’t know if you were buying the real piece or just a really good fake.

Tokens: Your Cosmic Currency

Tokens are like your digital dollars in the Web 3.0 galaxy. They're not just money; they're power! Earn them, spend them, or even use them to unlock exclusive content. It's like having your own digital superhero currency.

Crypto NFT Staking
Organic Irregular Blob with Drop Shadow


OpenSea is a leading online marketplace specifically designed for trading and selling digital assets, including NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens).

    • Once your comics are minted as NFTs, you can list them for sale on the OpenSea platform.
    • Set your desired price or use auction-style listings to allow potential buyers to bid for your comics.


We publish digital content via our platform

These become a one of a kind NFT

Buy,Sell & Trade online

This is where the content is produced and published- Verifiable through the blockchain.

Our platform is unique as it is one of the first to enable fans to read & collect Comics. Giving utility to NFTs.

You can do all your trading on Opensea.

Until we create our own marketplace.